Designing for Long-Term Impact in the Neighbourhood Grant Program
Project Type
Project for Toronto's Civic Innovation Office​ | Co-led with Molly Connor
Service Design
Service Blueprinting
User research
User journey mapping
Persona development
This project was the result of a six-week design sprint for the City of Toronto's Civic Innovation Office, an office funded by a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies. This project focused on the City's Neighbourhood Grants Program and developing a way that "long-term impact" could be understood and measured in the grant program.
The research process included the following methods:
Community consultations and resident activities
Interviews with residents, city staff, and program partners
The project's outputs included:
A service design blueprint
A co-created definition of "long-term impact" as it relates to the Neighbourhood Grants Program
An improved evaluation system for measuring and monitoring long-term impact in the program
A balanced scorecard
Riley McCullough​
Community Youth Mapping in Lima, Peru
Project Type
Research report for EQWIP HUBs, a project of Canada World Youth and Youth Challenge International | Team Lead
This report was written as part of a three-month placement in Lima, Peru for EQWIP HUBs, a project focused on youth employment and entrepreneurship sponsored by Canada World Youth and Youth Challenge International. The goal of my placement was to design and undertake research with the organization’s students to understand their needs, how the organizations’ services were addressing those needs, and to recommend additional services to address any unmet needs.