Designing for Long-Term Impact in the Neighbourhood Grant Program
Project Type
Project for Toronto's Civic Innovation Office​ | Co-led with Molly Connor
Service Design
Service Blueprinting
User research
User journey mapping
Persona development
This project was the result of a six-week design sprint for the City of Toronto's Civic Innovation Office, an office funded by a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies. This project focused on the City's Neighbourhood Grants Program and developing a way that "long-term impact" could be understood and measured in the grant program.
The research process included the following methods:
Community consultations and resident activities
Interviews with residents, city staff, and program partners
The project's outputs included:
A service design blueprint
A co-created definition of "long-term impact" as it relates to the Neighbourhood Grants Program
An improved evaluation system for measuring and monitoring long-term impact in the program
A balanced scorecard
Riley McCullough​
Mapping the Planetary Boundaries: Visualizing Human-Environment Connections in the Anthropocene
Project Type
Major Research Project for OCAD University's Strategic Foresight and Innovation program | Independent
The Anthropocene marks the current period in which humanity is living beyond the means of planet Earth and threatening the stability of the climate and other environmental processes that have allowed us to thrive over the past 10,000 years. With increasing anthropogenic stress on the Earth System, the Planetary Boundaries framework aims to determine the thresholds that humanity must operate within to ensure that conditions on Earth remain favourable for human life.
This project uses a systems approach to demonstrate the complexity of the Earth System by mapping the relationships between the nine boundaries identified in the Planetary Boundaries framework, as well as the role of anthropogenic actions on those boundaries.
This project presents this information in the form of two interactive visualizations that the user can explore to understand the impacts of human activity on the natural environment and the interconnectedness and delicate balance of the Earth System.
You can read the full publication online here.
An in-progress photo, mapping the connections between human actions and the nine planetary boundaries.