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My Work


By imagining different possible, plausible, and preferable narratives of the future, foresight allows you to build strategies around the uncertainty of tomorrow. There are various different ways of thinking about the futures, such as strategic foresight, speculative futures, and design fiction.

Examples of Work

What might this look like?

  • Collection and analysis of drivers of changes, emerging signals, and trends

  • Development of scenarios and futures stories

  • Strategic foresight workshops and reports to inform your organizational strategy

  • Workshops focused on skilling your team in futures literacy

  • Workshops focused on co-creatively exploring and imagining different possible, plausible, and preferable futures


Design thinking focuses on an empathy-based and human-centred approach to solving complex issues. It enables us to redefine problems and imagine new solutions to challenges, from the user’s perspective. Design thinking can support other design processes, such as service design. 

Examples of Work

What might this look like?

  • User research, user journey mapping, needs analysis, barriers analysis, etc. 

  • Service design and service blueprinting

  • Co-design and participatory design workshops

  • Introduction to design thinking workshops


Systems thinking is a useful tool for comprehending and embracing complexity. 

It enables an understanding of the interrelationships between objects and activities and highlights the importance of understanding how different actors work together to impact a product, service, or strategy. 

Examples of Work

What might this look like?

  • The development of systems maps to visually communicate the complexity of the system of focus

  • Systems-thinking workshops to support your project

  • Stakeholder and ecosystem analysis

Design Thinking
Systems Thinking
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